Monday 21 October 2019

Critical stretches of Bharathapuzha, Ramganga and Mahanadi to be assessed for maintaining flow

Mahanadi river | via Commons

The critical stretches of three rivers—Ramganga, Mahanadi and Bharathapuzha—will be assessed for maintaining the environmental flow, Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat said on Monday.
This will jointly be done by India and the European Union (EU).
"E-Flows is for development of storage and flow diversion schemes in order to maintain the aquatic ecosystems in a healthy state and their sustainability. It is jointly assessed for critical stretches in 3 river basins - Ramganga, Mahanadi and Bharathapuzha," the minister said in a tweet.
Ramganga is in Uttarakhand, while Mahanadi and Bharathapuzha are in Chhattisgarh and Odisha, and Kerala respectively.
"Inaugurated the International workshop on 'Environmental Flow Assessment & implementation for India'. Also released the Guidance document on environmental flows in rivers, produced under the India-EU #WaterPartnership @EU_in_India #EUIndiaEkSaath," Shekhawat said in another tweet.
Last year, the government came out with a notification to ensure that the environmental flow was maintained in the Ganga.

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