Wednesday 30 October 2019

Businesswoman' promised European Union MPs a 'VIP meeting' with PM Modi

European Union lawmakers walk on the banks of Dal Lake in Srinagar | Reuters

Even as a team of 23 European parliamentarians arrived in Srinagar on Tuesday to assess the ground situation in Jammu and Kashmir, questions are being raised over the manner in which the delegation was organised. Media reports suggested that the invitations to more than 30 MEPs were sent from Brussels-based British PIO Madi Sharma, but her link to the Indian government remains unclear.
On her Twitter account, Sharma describes herself as a “Social Capitalist : International Business Broker , Education Entrepreneur; Speaker.”
The Hindu, which published a copy of the letter that Sharma had sent to the MEPs, claimed that she had promised the parliamentarians a “prestigious VIP meeting” with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Sharma, who is accompanying the delegation, claimed that she runs an NGO called WESTT (Women’s Economic and Social Think Tank) which has been “working with the European Parliament and government and non-government organisations across the world”.

In her letter to the MEPs, Sharma reportedly told them that Prime Minister Modi would like to meet “influential decision makers” from the European Union.

“I am therefore enquiring if you would be interested to visit Delhi, India, to meet with the Prime Minister. The meeting with the Prime Minister is scheduled for 28th October, with a visit to Kashmir on 29th and a press conference on 30th," she said in her letter to the parliamentarians. 
According to The Hindu report, Sharma claimed that all expenses for the visit was sponsored by Delhi-based International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies (IINS). Bill Newton Dunn, a member of the Liberal Democratic party in the United Kingdom, also has admitted that the trip was organised by IINS.
On Tuesday, the delegation interacted with members of the public, including the newly-elected panchayat members and councillors, at a five-star hotel in Srinagar. As the winter chill settled over the city, there was some boating in the famed waters of the Dal Lake, too.
The MPs were boating near the Centaur Hotel, where more than 30 politicians and activists have been under detention since August 5.
The team originally comprised 27 parliamentarians, many from extreme right or right-wing parties, but four did not travel to Kashmir and have reportedly returned to their respective countries, officials said without divulging any reason. 
The MEPs had earlier met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and National Security Adviser Ajit Doval in New Delhi on Monday.
Meanwhile, senior UK politician Chris Davies claimed that the Indian government withdrew with little explanation its invitation to him to be part of the EU delegation. He said the decision showed New Delhi was trying to hide the "reality of its actions" and blocking absolute freedom of the press.
A few weeks ago, a senator of the United States was denied permission to visit Kashmir.
A joint delegation of opposition MPs, including Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, undertaking a visit to Kashmir about two months ago, was not allowed to go beyond the Srinagar airport after their arrival from Delhi and were sent back to the national capital.

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