Tuesday 23 July 2019

United Kingdom: Who will be in Boris Johnson's cabinet?


Britian's Prime Minister will be announced today. In the race are Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt and former London mayor Boris Johnson. Johnson, it looks like will have a lead when it comes to votes from members of the Conservative party. And yet, it seems like Parliament members themselves will be unhappy if Johnson does get elected. In fact, Chancellor Philip Hammond and Justice Secretary David Gauke have announced that they will quit the cabinet if Johnson is elected PM. However, here's who is likely to be part of the cabinet if Johnson does become Prime Minister.

Liz Truss, one of Johnson's early supporters, has been making a public campaign for the job of chancellor. She is pro reformative steps like tax cuts for higher earners.
Iain Duncan Smith, Boris Johnson's campaign manager, could be rewarded with the post of cabinet office. The move make sense, since as a PM who could be navigating troubled waters, he would need a confidant at the post.
Sajid Javid could be considered for position of chancellor as well as home secretary. Jeremy Hunt too, could be considered for the post of home secretary.
Former die-hard opponent of a no-deal Brexit, Amber Rudd could be considered for foreign secretary. Johnson too, has been pro a hard Brexit. Another female, pro-Brexiteer, Penny Mordaunt, could be placed as defence secretary.
Grant Shapps, former Conservative party chairman, who helped Boris with his campaign, could bag the role of transport secretary. The role of business secretary could go to Greg Clark. Another one touted for the role is Liz Truss.
With his knowledge of Burssels and an eye for detail, Stephen Barclay could very well be considered for position of Brexit secretary. He could also be offered the position of justice secretary. Another reliable candidate in eyes of Johnson for the position of justice secretary is Dominic Raab.
Considered closest to Conservative MPs at thegrassroot level, Priti Patel could be offered the job of international development secretary and Liam Fox, arch-Brexiter could be considered for position of trade secretary.

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