Tuesday 1 January 2019

7 ways to renew your daily lifestyle


Life can sometimes seem stale if we let routine take over. Being “in the moment” is important as it’s the foundation of living. Yet, the key to growth lies in claiming the future.
The secret is in balancing the present and the future. Whether you’re looking for a complete change or simply a fresh outlook, here are seven ways to renew your life today.
Slow down in order to listen to your heart so you can make correct decisions. You should ask yourself, “Is this what I really want to do? Is there a better way to handle this?” Pausing can help you find new approaches to the same old tasks.
Change your mind
What you think will be reflected in your life. If you let habits control your life, you may forget the instructions you’ve given your subconscious. You may be reinforcing the very things you fear.
Today, take a few moments to notice and write down your thoughts. At the end of the day, review any patterns. If you detect a negative track, replace it with a positive one.
See a new reality
For years, top athletes have used visualisation as a technique to improve their performance. You can use it to improve your life by mentally rehearsing your success.
If you are unhappy about your current situation, start imagining your new world. Use the power of your imagination and visualisation to expand your potential, then take action and turn them into reality.
Charge your energy
Physical activities can help put you in the right frame of mind for transformation. While exercising, your body releases mood-enhancing chemicals.
In addition, exercise can improve your overall endurance so you have the strength to reach your destiny.
Release dead weight
Clearing the clutter from the daily life can help create space for the new. As you throw out physical things, you may also need to let go of some people in your current circle.
Even though you are the architect of your life, there are times when the demolition crew hanging around, waits to tear things down.
Fire them – or at the very least, put them on probation by setting new boundaries.
Shift your surroundings
A new environment helps change the way you look at everything. If you travel to your office, spend an hour just to walk around the location where you work.
If you can’t get on a plane, go to a park you’ve never been to before. Allow your mind to wander and your senses to take in everything around you. You’ll be amazed at how this can trigger creativity and spark insights.
Dive into unfamiliar experiences
Do something you’ve never done before. If you usually run, sign up for a dance class instead. If you love food, consider taking a cooking class. An entirely new experience will give you a different perspective.
Remember, everything is a choice, there is no “must” to anything. Every moment is a chance to create the life you want and all you need for that to happen is in your hands.

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